Quick Rotor Release – abra el granulador y desconecte el rotor en 30 segundos para limpiar de manera rápida y eficiente. Rapid FlexiSPEED – adapta la velocidad del rotor a las propiedades del material. La inversión automática del rotor es estándar. Estos son solo algunos de los beneficios de OneCUT PRO. Agregue detección inteligente de
Based on the bespoken Rapid 400 series. Bolted modular design enables easy change of wear parts. Available for Raptor 800 and 1350. Open-Hearted design. Low energy consumption with double scissors cutting …
350 to 750 lbs./hr. Model 2535 FA Series Granulator. 175 to 440 lbs./hr. Model 2060 FA Series Granulator. 175 to 360 lbs./hr. Model 2030 FA Series Granulator. 150 to 250 lbs./hr. FA Series granulators are typically configured with an open rotor such as the one shown on the right. This photograph shows 3 knives in 3 sections.
Granutec TFG 810 Press SIde Granulator: TFG 810 is a press-side granulator from Granutec that reclaims tough, bulky parts, sprues and runners, light sheets, and more. This tangential feed granulator houses high sheer mount counter-angled knives made of D-2 hi-carbon/hi-chrome steel and double-scissor cutting action for.
2016611;Granulateur séparateur type Mini - Maco, fonctionne en 220 volts monoidéal pour broyer et séparer le cuivre contenu dans les câbles électriques.
Explore the Rapid 150 Series Granulator, a compact yet high-performance solution for in-line recycling of plastic waste. Enhance your recycling process with tailored solutions from Rapid Granulator, designed to meet all your needs in plastic recycling.
2024522;CMG SPA, as data controller, will make use of the data collected in compliance with articles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (for brevity RGPD) and of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments (PRIVACY CODE for brevity), for the purposes specified for the correct provision of the services requested and …
If any knife can not pass the front fixed knife freely – undo the screws (C) and press the knife firmly into the knife attachment. D C. 21 Check the clearance of each rotating knife with a feeler gauge The clearance should be 0.008 - 0.012 in. (0.20 - 0.30 mm), check at the outer edges of the knives.
Screenless Granulators. S-Max Series of Beside-the-press GranulatorsThe economic choice with a compact design. Low speed (27 rpm @ 50 Hz) screenless technology for the most efficient and cost-effective grinding of engineered resins as well as styrenics, acrylics, and glass-fiber-reinforced materials. S-Max 2 / S-Max 2 plus / S-Max 3.
14" x 36" Nelmor Granulator, 100 HP. Item: 20122C. View Details. Add To Quote. For well over 50 years, Nelmor (commonly misspelled Nelmore) was a manufacturer of granulators and size reduction equipment for the …
Therefore, we designed the MINI MACO. It also separates and grinds rigid cables. Sold with chute or adapter with hole for cables. A simple electrical outlet 220 volts and it''s ready !!! Power: 3kw Amperage: 20 Maximum …
Descripción. Equipo granulador para trabajar pequeños elementos plásticos tales como tapas de botellas o similares, es apto para producciones de entre 50 a 70 kilos por hora, cuenta con un motor principal de 5 HP, y posee 6 cuchillas rotativas y …
Explore the Rapid 500 Series Granulator, designed for granulating all types of large plastic waste and applications requiring higher capacity. Discover tailored recycling solutions with Rapid Granulator, committed to meeting your plastic …
Shini Sg-4880ebf 22kw Granulator For Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics / Plastic Crusher / Molino , Find Complete Details about Shini Sg-4880ebf 22kw Granulator For Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics / Plastic Crusher / Molino,Crusher,Granulators,Molino from Plastic Crushing Machines Supplier or Manufacturer-Shini Plastics Technologies (dongguan), Inc.
La Serie 600 de Rapid es adecuada para todo tipo de materiales, desde el reciclaje en línea de productos grandes hasta la granulación central donde se requiere una mayor capacidad de producción. Es el más grande de nuestra serie de molinos "Corazón Abierto". Diseño Corazón Abierto – para un acceso rápido y fácil a la cámara de corte
Kirk Winstead Appointed as President of TRIA America Charlotte, NC – June 2024
broyeur granulateur. broyeur granulateur. couteaux. couteaux. nos machines; granulateur separateur... 8. granulateur separateur big... 6. granulateur separateur... 5. granulateur separateur mini... 6. ligne de recyclage cr3500-5... 10. ligne de recyclage cr3500-100. 9. ligne de recyclage cr3500-30. 8.
el molino funcione automáticamente (se puede ajustar) y a intervalos, según la carga. El molino se puede pausar mientras se recolecta el material en el cajón de granulado y luego se reinicia automáticamente para granular y luego pausar nuevamente. • Quick Rotor Release – abra el molino y desconecte el rotor en 30 segundos para
Coperion bénéficie d’une très longue expérience et d’un savoir-faire abouti dans la production de granulateurs. Nous développons des systèmes de granulation répondant parfaitement aux critères de nos lignes de compoundage et d’extrusion. Tous nos systèmes de granulation, granulateurs de joncs, granulateurs sous-eau UG, granulateurs à …
superior performanceLa fórmula paraEl concepto de ingeniería de Rapid “corazón abierto” se incorpora en cada modelo d. molino en sus Series 300, 400 y 500. La gran ventaja de ser “cora-zón abierto” es que aumenta el rendi-miento otorgando un acceso fácil y directo al corazón de la máquina para conseguir tiempos de limpieza y
2016510;To view additional machinery on our website click here: , Model DAS06, comminutor mill with stain...
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Accueil Home La Compagnie Générale des Granulés S.A Entreprise de collecte de déchets ligneux et de production de granulés de bois installée au Cameroun depuis 2016 …
We are one of the leading manufacturers of machinery, micronizers, agglomerators, pulverizers, and complete systems. Pallmann equipment offers effective solutions that ensure precision in size reduction. Our solutions promote the recycling of tons of materials, which return to the process through micronization and agglomeration provided by our
Recyclage de pneumatiques. Les matières premières contenues dans un pneu sont le caoutchouc, l’acier et les fibres textiles. Le recyclage des pneumatiques se décompose en plusieurs phases suivant l’utilisation finale qui se décline en 3 familles : Pour les deux dernières familles, l’emploi d’un broyeur primaire est obligatoire.