Drillings PANTERA 1500 ITM P14034D0M00 Idler 1 TAMROCK BERCO BD92A BERCO BD92 VPI VBD92V. Headquarters: 700045 Iasi, 27 Sfantul Lazar Street, Kapital Invest Building - 2nd Floor Warehouse: 700382 Iasi,88 Aurel Vlaicu Street 600343 Bacau, 32 Letea Street 062202 Bucuresti, 32 Preciziei Street
Pantera™ DP1100i. Pantera™ DP1100i is a hydraulic, diesel-powered, self-propelled top hammer drill rig ideal for production in large quarries, open pit mines and construction sites. It provides stability and produces a range of drilling information, including drill condition and work performed.
Browse a wide selection of new and used TAMROCK PANTERA Vertical Drills for sale near you at MachineryTrader.com 2011 TAMROCK PANTERA 1500. Vertical Drills. Price: USD $119,500. Machine Location: Louisville, Kentucky 40253. Condition: Used. Stock Number: 4502A. Compare. Larmee Equipment.
Tamrock Pantera 1500 spare parts catalog, operation, maintenance for Tamrock Pantera 1500. Our company provides for sale original spare part catalogs, workshop manuals, diagnostic software for all models of engines, cars, trucks, buses, forklifts, tractors, harvesters, cranes, buldozers, generators, construction and agricultural machines
2024129;Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico 31500. Phone: +52 625 100 1010. View Details. Email Seller Video Chat. HIDROTRACK TAMROCK POWERTRACK PANTERA 1100 CON MOTOR DIESEL CATERPILLAR DE 6 CILINDROS. Get Shipping Quotes. Search By Category. Search By Model. Search By State.
Tamrock Pantera 1500 spare parts catalog, operation, maintenance for Tamrock Pantera 1500. Our company provides for sale original spare part catalogs, workshop manuals, diagnostic software for all models of …
Pantera1500-1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Pantera 1500 is a hydraulic, self-propelled drilling rig equipped with a cabin. It can drill holes from 89-152 mm vertically, inclined, or horizontally using extension rods, tubes, or a pilot tube. The rig has a telescopic boom and cylinder feed for efficient drilling.
Citation preview. PANTERA 1500 Technical Specification 06515-1 2006-01-01 PANTERA 1500 ROCKPILOT APPLICATION Pantera 1500 is a hydraulic, self-propelled, selfcontained, crawler based surface drilling rig equipped with a cabin and a rod changer. It drills 89 140 mm (3 ½” - 5 ½”) vertical, inclined or horizontal holes with 51 and 60 mm ( 2” and 2 3/8” ) …
TAMROCK PANTERA 1500 Verticale Foreuse En Vente Obtenez des devis pour l''expédition S''ouvre dans un nouvel onglet Voir les détails. 7. Actualisé: mercredi, juin …
Sandvik Pantera DP1500i is intelligent, self-propelled, self-contained, crawler based surface drilling rig equipped with a cabin and a rod changer. Sandvik Pantera DP1500i with practical intelli-gence fits perfectly for production drilling in large quarries or open pit mines and construction work sites. It suits well also for wall control and
Tamrock PANTERA 1500 on Mascus USA. Price 95,000 USD. Larmee Equipment +0 (502) 244-0004. Show phone number . Name: Email Address: Phone: Comments . Secure my transaction through Ritchie Bros. PurchaseSafe™. Learn more
TAMROCK PANTERA 1500 Year / MODEL :1999 Hours engine / MOTOR SAATİ : 7534 HoursHammer / TABANCA SAATİ : 2135 Hammer / TABANCA : HL 1560 TAMROCK PANTERA 1500 Year /... - Stimpeks Limited Şirketi
Tamrock Pantera 1500 Sm - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Pantera 1500 is a hydraulic, self-propelled drilling rig equipped with a cabin. It can drill holes from 89mm to 152mm vertically, horizontally, or at an angle using extension rods or pilot tubes. It has a telescopic boom, rod changer, and ergonomic …
19971110;Tamrock is an international engineering company and a world-leading supplier of drilling machinery, loaders and equipment for rock excavation in mines, civil engineering projects and related areas. Annual sales amount to about SEK 7,000 million, with 5,200 employees, of whom 1,500 in Finland.
2011 Tamrock Pantera 1500 Stock# 4502A. used. Manufacturer: Tamrock. Model: Pantera 1500. 2011 Year – Sandvik DP 1500 Pantera Cat C-11 Tier 3 Diesel Engine 11,149 Engine Hours 4,753 total percussion hours Drifter was last done @ last rebuilt in March of …
Sandvik & Tamrock Drifter Parts. We''ve pulled together some of our Tamrock drifters into one place, so you won''t miss out on a great deal. Sandvik - HLX5 Parts. Sandvik - Tamrock Pantera 1500. Sandvik - …
Pantera 800 is a hydraulic, self-propelled, self-contained, crawler based surface drilling rig equipped with a cabin and a rod changer. It drills 76 - 127 mm (3" - 5 1⁄2") vertical, inclined or horizontal holes with 45 or 51 mm (1 3⁄4" - 2") extension rods. Pantera 800 is equipped with HL 800T, hydraulic top hammer rock drill.
Dp1500i Maintenance Manual - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document is a maintenance manual for Pantera 800, 900 and 1100 drilling rigs. It provides an introduction to the machines, including their intended use for drilling vertical, inclined and horizontal holes at mines and quarries. The maximum hole …
Machines de forage Tamrock 26 offres Prix à partir de 9 400 € Neuves et d''occasion Vendeurs de confiance Actuellement en stock Vente de matériel de TP de qualité sur France. Tamrock PANTERA 1100 . prix sur demande. Année 2009 Kilométrage 17879 m/h Puissance. Allemagne, Neuenhaus. Voir toutes les photos (15) 15.
Machines de forage Tamrock Pantera 1500 Neuves et d''occasion Vendeurs de confiance Actuellement en stock Vente de matériel de TP de qualité sur France
Browse a wide selection of new and used TAMROCK PANTERA Drills for sale in Australia at Machinery Trader Australia 2011 TAMROCK PANTERA 1500. Vertical Drills. Price: AUD $177,024 (Price entered as: USD $119,500) Machine Location: Louisville, Kentucky, USA 40253. Condition: Used. Stock Number: 4502A.
Tamrock PANTERA 1500: Year: 2006: Location: Louisville, Kentucky: Country: United States: Pricing: Price: On Request: Details: Additional information: CAT C11 Tier 3 Engine Self-Propelled Self Contained Crawler Rock Drill HC 1560 Hydraulic Drifter Telescopic Boom Two Variable Displacement Pumps
Citation preview. PANTERA 1500 Technical Specification 06515-1 2006-01-01 PANTERA 1500 ROCKPILOT APPLICATION Pantera 1500 is a hydraulic, self-propelled, selfcontained, crawler based surface drilling rig equipped with a cabin and a rod changer. It drills 89 140 mm (3 ½” - 5 ½”) vertical, inclined or horizontal holes with 51 and 60 mm ( 2” and 2 3/8” ) …
Foreuse Tamrock Pantera DP 1500 i de Norvège à vendre pour 289673 EUR sur Truck1. Année de fabrication - 2011, Véhicules professionnels pour tous les besoins. Côte d''Ivoire - Français | EUR. 0 0. S''identifier / s''inscrire . Catalogue. Vendre. Déposer une annonce
Pantera™ DP1500i. Pantera™ DP1500i is an intelligent, hydraulic, diesel-powered, self-propelled top hammer drill rig. Designed for large hole drilling, it is suited to production …
2011 Tamrock Pantera 1500 Stock# 4502A Article by Alex on September 28, . 2011 Year – Sandvik DP1500 Pantera. Cat C-11 Tier 3 Diesel Engine. 11,149 Engine Hours. 4,753 total percussion hours . Drifter was last done @ last rebuilt in March of at around 10,100 & 4,229 percussion hours .